The charity is dedicated to improving the quality of life for victims of sexual violence. 

Registered by the Charity Commission (Charity number 1194627) our purpose is: To advance the education of the public on the subject of rape as a criminal offence and the attitudes and false beliefs surrounding rape (otherwise known as ‘rape myths’) to reduce the prevalence of rape within society and to support victims of rape. To work within the judicial institutions to support efforts to reduce the diagnosis of PTSD in a complainant. To provide advocacy for victims who have been through the justice system, offering both practical and emotional support in the critical three months post-court case.

On 26th January 2023, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) released its latest crime figures, showing that sexual offences are at the highest level recorded. For complainants who can wait 2 years for their trial to go to court, the level of retraumatizing is high.

Where are we with the changes promised after the government apology to victims within the Rape Review. While some green shots of positive change evidenced in the 2023 RAPE CRISIS report: The rape review two years on

We strongly believe that when the Law Commission releases their Evidence in Sexual Offence Prosecutions report, on-the-ground implementation of the proposed changes must be sustained. Our objective in Pillar 3 is to further empower complainants, disseminate valuable insights gained from their experiences, and pursue appropriate resolutions wherever necessary.

We aim to educate the public and those working with sexual violence victims on understanding offending behavior. The more you focus on these behaviours and tactics, the less you focus on the victims. 

“If you don’t really understand perpetrators, you’re never going to understand sexual violence,” said Sherry Hamby, editor of the journal Psychology of Violence. That may seem obvious, but she said she receives “10 papers on victims” for every one on perpetrators.

The 3 pillars: 

Pillar 1: Judicial Reform:

Preparing for a career as Criminal Barrister: Serious Sexual Offences

Our goal is to create a world where justice for victims of sexual violence is not the exception but the norm. We are focused on making a difference within the UK judiciary. Our advisory board consists of barristers who specialize in defending and prosecuting sexual violence cases. Over the past 18 months, they have closely listened to concerns raised in reports such as the End-to-End Rape Review.

We are committed to supporting the creation of educational modules/options for those undertaking the Bar Practice Course (please contact further for information on the pilot programme). Additionally, we aim to directly engage with barristers to understand their attitudes towards achieving justice parity and their proposed solutions. A crucial aspect of our work involves gathering insights from barristers on why cases can be dismantled.

University students who are studying Law are currently undertaking court observations.

By working closely with the judiciary, we aim to find solutions to the complexities that contribute to the low conviction rate. Furthermore, we strive to share best practices from the judiciary to ensure continuous improvement across the board.

“If you don’t really understand perpetrators, you’re never going to understand sexual violence”  (Sherry Hamby, editor of the journal Psychology of Violence).

Pillar 2: Policy and Service Provisions for Victims and Survivors:

Advocacy calls:

Policy/service design and commissioning calls:

1. Mitigating the Impact of Delay on the Criminal Justice Process for Victims and Survivors. Time off work, the financial burden, and the consequences for children and families when a parent or guardian has to attend court as  complaintant of a serious sexual offence.

2. Examining the Rates of Revictimization After Exiting the Criminal Justice System, regardless of the outcome of the conviction.

3.  Research, policy, and commissioning efforts focused on addressing the ongoing needs of complainants in cases where the defendant is acquitted.

Pillar 3. Empowerment through Advocacy: Supporting Sexual Violence Survivors Beyond the Courtroom.

Through our work, we have identified a significant gap in support services following the conclusion of court cases. Survivors often find themselves without the critical support of an Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA) and the police officer involved in their case, coupled with facing long waiting periods for counselling services. According to our research, victims' mental health suffered significantly during this time period.

We aim to provide support to individuals who have given evidence as the complainant in cases involving rape and sexual assault via our advocacy model.

This model aims to provide a comprehensive support system to aid in the journey towards healing and independence. Offering support at this early stage in their recovery is giving survivors the best possible chance of rebuilding their lives following the traumatic experience of being involved in the judicial process.

This period is crucial for the survivor's recovery, and the absence of a structured support system can significantly impede their ability to navigate the complexities of post-trial life.

Gaining an agency of voice is the core experience for complainants, with many reporting how they have felt silenced, then abandoned by the system. 

Court observations:

Students who are studying law at universities across the UK and may become Criminal barristers are observing trials following this model:

The above model was completed in 2020. Our observers are looking forward to seeing improvements in 2024/25.

12th of February 2024: News on Barrister Challenges: